Ian Leaf Britain

Not that long ago, while traveling through Britain (United Kingdom), I met up with Ian Leaf and Ian Andrews. These two long time college friends and I sat down at the Dublin, Ireland restaurant called “London”. It was an interesting restaurant name, but we loved it!

It couldn’t have been better!

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About John Ross Jesensky

I'm John Ross Jesensky, I make my living with the piano and other instruments. I'm a composer, pianist and all around lover of music.
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60 Responses to Ian Leaf Britain

  1. Viji says:

    Britain (United Kingdom) is beautiful country to live with health and hygienic. I was visited my brother home at London. That time went for shopping I saw only organic vegetables and products only there. That much health and hygienic care taking on common people by government. Good country for living with health and hygienic.


  2. sam san says:

    Britain basically I hate Britain before 2015 that British guys have slaved us 200 years before freedom till 1947 but after I visited the UK this is one of the best country s in the world ..this what want to speak thank you


  3. Dominic Nurali says:

    The history of the British Isles has witnessed intermittent periods of competition and cooperation between the people that occupy the various parts of Great Britain, Ireland, and the smaller adjacent islands, which together make up the British Isles.


  4. Nathan Lane says:

    lol at some of these comments man,gotta love it!


  5. Daniel Ribeiro says:

    Thousands of years ago, Great Britain was joined to Europe and was covered with ice. About 15,000 years ago, the weather became warmer. The ice melted and the sea level rose. Great Britain became an island about 8000 years ago.Celtic people called Britons settles in Britain. They were warriors and farmers who were skilled metal workers. They built villages and hill forts, and used iron weapons and tools


  6. I like Britain because it is a beautifull country.London is having many famuse places such as Big ben, Stonehenge, Tower of London, Windsor Castle, London Eye


  7. sabar sugianto says:

    In the clear definitions you have provided you include the following:
    “1707 – Kingdom of Great Britain. The Kingdom of England (which includes Wales) joined with the Kingdom of Scotland to form The Kingdom of Britain.”
    Why, after trying to clear up people’s confusion you rightly call it the “Kingdom of Great Britain” and 15 words later you call it “The Kingdom of Britain”?


  8. Sathish Perera says:

    I like Britain because it is a beautifull country.London is having many famuse places such as Big ben, Stonehenge, Tower of London, Windsor Castle, London Eye


  9. Maria Simplicio says:

    Sometimes, in newspapers or TV news, appear the words Great Britain, England or UK, but not all people know clearly that they mean diferent things.
    Britain it’s one of several British Isles that adds the territories of England, Scotland and Wales.


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